In Florence with the Firenzecard
With Firenzecard you can visit 72 Museums and travel conveniently with all public buses for 72 hours free!
Up to 27 December 2020 and with a Minimum Stay of 3 nights, our daily rate will include:
- Firenzecard
- Little Cadeau
- Italian Wine's bottle
- Possibility of auto parking in private, guarded Garage, situated at few steps away from the Hotel, at the special daily rate of euro 22,00.=
- City tax euro 4,90.= per person, per day, not included.
- Minimum Stay: 3 Nights
- Guarantee with Credit Card
- No Commission for Travel Agencies
- Cancellations without penalty n. 7 days before the date of arrival
- Late Cancellation: n. 1 night
- No Show: total amount of the reservation
Not accumulable Offer with others present on the website